如何把蒙台梭利教育带回家?采访美国蒙氏教育集团Matt Bateman博士

网友投稿 2018-07-03 11:36

  背 景   Background

今年夏天,米来未来与蒙师公学合作,邀请到Matt Bateman博士和其他资深AMI讲师在中国举办针对老师和家长的工作坊。

Matt Bateman 博士简介:

Brief introduction of Dr. Matt Bateman:



Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania


Former Visiting Professor of Psychology, Franklin and Marshall College

曾任美国最大的蒙氏连锁学校之一LePort Schools的教学总监

Former Director of Curriculum and Pedagogy, LePort Schools, one of the largest Montessori school networks in the US 

现任美国Higher Ground蒙氏教育集团学术副总裁

Currently, Vice President of Content, Higher Ground Education

家长工作坊内容 I Content of Parent Workshop


The Value of Montessori at Home (2 hours)


Children, from birth, are on a path towards independence. We start the workshop by discussing the nature of the child—how children learn, what they need to develop their minds, and what you can do at home to help them flourish. Learn about simple, practical Montessori ideas that can be applied to observe, learn from, and nurture your child.


Setting Limits: The Positive Discipline Approach (3 hours)

在这个互动环节中,我们将开始学习如何创建一致的边界,以帮助孩子理解家庭的指导和期望。我们将学习如何与孩子一起相处,培养其内在的心理指导,而不是外在的强制性地遵守纪律,这种内在的指导将会成为贯穿孩子一生的指南针 - 即使您不在他身边时也是如此。 每个家庭都是独特不同的,有各自的价值观和习俗; 因为我们认识到了这一点,我们将为您提供“食材”,以便您在工作坊结束时,能够以自己独特的“烹饪秘诀”,在家中成功地实施正面管教。

In this interactive session, we will start by learning how to create consistent boundaries that will help the child understand the expectations and guidelines of the family. Rather than imposing discipline, learn how to work with your child to develop an inner guide that will serve as a compass throughout life—even when you are not around. Every family is different and has their own particular set of values and routines; because we recognize this, we will provide you with the “ingredients” so you can walk out of this workshop with your unique “recipe” for a successful discipline approach that works in your own home.


How to bring Montessori into your Home (2 hours)


One of the biggest mistakes we make as parents is to believe that we need to constantly entertain our children, sometimes with flashy and expensive toys that do all the work for them. Maria Montessori recognized the need for work and activity, writing that “the hand is the instrument of man’s intelligence”. In this session we will discover together how to incorporate in our daily family routine hands-on, easy-to-implement activities that promote critical thinking, problem solving, initiative, adaptability, curiosity, imagination and more—all skills that are necessary in the twenty-first century.

授课方式 | Method of Workshop


The workshop will help you understand the theory and practice of how to bring Montessori into your home through lectures, exercises, group discussions, and interactive games, so that it can be applied to daily family routine. The workshops are taught in English with Chinese translation.

