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1. Silicon Valley prides itself on “thinking different.” So maybe it makes sense that just as a lot of industries have begun paying more attention to work-life balance, Silicon Valley is taking the opposite approach — and branding workaholism as a desirable lifestyle choice. An entire cottage industry has sprung up there, selling an internet-centric prosperity gospel that says that there is no higher calling than to start your own company, and that to succeed you must be willing to give up everything.
硅谷为“不同凡想(thinking different)”而自豪。因此,在许多行业开始更加注重工作和生活的平衡时,硅谷反其道而行之,把工作狂标榜为理想的生活方式之选可能看上去也说得通。那里已经出现了一个完全是作坊式的产业,贩卖以互联网为中心的成功学,称没有比创业更崇高的使命,还说要取得成功,必须愿意放弃一切。
2. “Hustle” is the word that tech people use to describe this nerd-commando lifestyle. You hear it everywhere. You can buy hustle-themed T-shirts and coffee mugs, with slogans like “Dream, hustle, profit, repeat” and “Outgrind, outhustle, outwork everyone.” You can go to an eight-week “start-up hustle” boot camp. (Boot camp!) You can also attend Hustle Con, a one-day conference where successful “hustlers” share their secrets. Tickets cost around $300 — or you can pay $2,000 to be a “V.I.P. hustler.” This year’s conference, in June, drew 2,800 people, including two dozen who ponied up for V.I.P. passes.
科技行业从业者用“奋斗”(Hustle)这个词来描述这种极客突击队的生活方式。到处都能听到这个词,还能买到以它为主题的T恤和咖啡杯,上面印着“梦想、奋斗、利润、重复”和“比所有人都更辛苦、更忙碌、更努力”口号。你可以去为期八周的“创业奋斗”训练营(训练营!),也可以参加只有一天时间的奋斗大会(Hustle Con),听成功的“奋斗者”分享他们的诀窍。票价300美元左右(约合2000元人民币),或者你也可以花2000美元(约合13000人民币),成为“VIP奋斗者”。今年的大会已于6月举行,吸引了2800人,其中20多人花钱买了VIP票。
3. But for some, “hustle” is just a euphemism for extreme workaholism. Gary Vaynerchuk, a.k.a. Gary Vee, an entrepreneur and angel investor who has 1.5 million Twitter followers and a string of best-selling books with titles like “Crush It!,” tells his acolytes they should be working 18 hours a day. Every day. No vacations, no going on dates, no watching TV. “If you want bling bling, if you want to buy the jets?” he asks in one of his motivational speeches. “Work. That’s how you get it.”
但对一些人来说,“奋斗”只是极端工作狂的一种委婉说法。加里·沃伊内楚克(Gary Vaynerchuk),又名加里·维伊(Gary Vee),是一位企业家,也是一名天使投资人。他在Twitter上有150万粉丝,还出版了一系列以《碾压它》(Crush It!)等为名的畅销书。他告诉自己的粉丝,他们应该一天工作18个小时。每天都这样。不能休假,不能约会,不能看电视。“想闪亮全场吗?想买飞机吗?”他在一场励志演讲中问道。“那就工作吧。工作才能让你得到这一切。”
4. Mr. Vaynerchuk is also a judge on Apple’s “Planet of the Apps,” a reality show where app developers compete to win funding from a venture capital firm. A recent promo depicted a contestant alongside this quotation: “I rarely get to see my kids. That’s a risk you have to take.” The show’s promotional tweet added: “For the ultimate reward, he’ll put everything on the line.”
沃伊内楚克还是苹果《应用星球》(Planet of the Apps)的评委。这是一档应用开发者争夺一家风险投资公司资金的真人秀节目。在最近的广告中,一名参赛者旁边的引语是:“我几乎见不到我的孩子。这是必须承担的风险。”节目的宣传推文接着说:“为了最终的奖励,他将投入一切。”
5. Good grief. The guy is developing an app that lets you visualize how a coffee table from a catalog might look in your living room. I suppose that’s cool, but is it really more important than seeing your kids? Is the chance to raise some venture-capital funding really “the ultimate reward”? (Apple pulled the promo after a wave of critical comments on Twitter.)
6. This is sad enough for start-up founders, but rank-and-file workers are buying into this madness, too. Last year, Lyft published a blog post praising a driver who kept picking up fares even after she went into labor and was driving to the hospital to give birth. Critics saw dystopian implications — “horrifying” was how Gizmodo put it — and Lyft deleted the post. But people at the company, including the driver herself, seemed genuinely puzzled by the negative reaction.
7. A century ago, factory workers were forming unions and going on strike to demand better conditions and a limit on hours. Today, Silicon Valley employees celebrate their own exploitation. “9 to 5 is for the weak” says a popular T-shirt. A venture capitalist named Keith Rabois recently boasted on Twitter that he worked for 18 years while taking less than one week of vacation. Wannabe Zuckerbergs are told that starting a company is like joining the Navy SEALs. For a certain type of person — usually young and male — the hardship is part of the allure.
一百年前,工厂的工人成立工会并举行罢工,要求改善工作条件和限制工作时间。如今,硅谷的员工却颂扬自己遭受的剥削。一款流行T恤上写着“朝九晚五属于无能者”(9 to 5 is for the weak)。一个名叫基思·拉布瓦(Keith Rabois)的风险投资人最近在Twitter上炫耀自己工作18年,休假时间不超过一周。渴望成为扎克伯格的人被告知,创业就像加入海豹突击队(Navy SEALs)一样。对某一类人——通常是年轻、男性——来说,磨难也是诱惑的一部分。
8. The truth is that much of the extra effort these entrepreneurs and their employees are putting in is pointless anyway. Working beyond 56 hours in a week adds little productivity, according to a 2014 report by the Stanford economist John Pencavel. But the point may be less about productivity than about demonstrating commitment and team spirit.
真相是,这些创业者和他们的员工付出的额外努力中,很多是没有意义的。根据斯坦福大学的经济学家约翰·彭卡韦尔(John Pencavel)在2014年发布的一份报告,一周工作超过56个小时几乎不会带来生产率的增加。但重要的可能不是生产率,而是表现出责任感和团队精神。
9. “Everyone wants to be a model employee,” said Anim Aweh, a clinical social worker in the Bay Area who sees a lot of stressed-out tech workers. “One woman told me: ‘The expectation is not that you should work smart, it’s that you should work hard. It’s just do, do, do, until you can’t do anymore.’ ”
“人人都想当模范员工,”目睹很多科技行业员工压力过大的湾区临床社工阿尼姆·阿韦(Anim Aweh)说。“一个女人告诉我:‘对员工的期望不是聪明地工作,而是努力地工作。就是工作、工作、工作,直到再也动不了。’”
10. This has led to tragedy. Last year, Joseph Thomas, an engineer at Uber, committed suicide. His widow blamed the company’s gung-ho culture, with its long hours and intense psychological pressure.
这已经造成了悲剧。去年,优步(Uber)的工程师约瑟夫·托马斯(Joseph Thomas)自杀。他的遗孀将其归咎于公司工作时间长、心理压力大的拼命文化。
11. Now some are pushing back. David Heinemeier Hansson, a software developer, is on a crusade to persuade entrepreneurs that they can succeed without working themselves to death. (The sad thing is that this even needs to be said.)
现在,一些人开始反击。软件开发人员戴维·海涅迈尔·汉森(David Heinemeier Hansson)正试图说服创业者,让他们相信不用累得要死也能成功。(遗憾的是,这一点居然还需要说。)
12. In a recent essay Mr. Hansson excoriated venture capitalists as brainwashing founders with “an ingrained mythology around start-ups that not only celebrates burnout efforts but damn well requires it.” He says V.C.s are exploiting founders. Their attitude is, “Make me rich or die tryin’,” he wrote.
13. “Die trying” is by far the more likely outcome. The vast majority of start-ups fail. The odds of striking a huge Facebook-level success are infinitesimally tiny. No one knows this better than the V.C.s, who improve their odds by spreading their bets onto dozens of companies and whipping them all into a frenzy.
14. Mr. Hansson’s essay singled out Mr. Rabois, the venture capitalist who worked for 18 years with hardly any vacation. This prompted a debate on Twitter, where Mr. Rabois sniped that Mr. Hansson’s take-it-easy approach to building a company would be perfect — “for lazy people who want to accomplish nothing.”
15. Mr. Hansson and his business partner, Jason Fried, run a Chicago software company, Basecamp, that employs 56 people and turns a profit. The workweek is capped at 40 hours and gets pared back to 32 in summer. Mr. Hansson has enough free time that he competes as an amateur driver in endurance car races.
汉森和商业伙伴贾森·弗里德(Jason Fried)经营着一家名为Basecamp的芝加哥软件公司,雇佣了56名员工,公司已经在盈利。每周的工作时间上限为40小时,夏季削减到32小时。汉森先生拥有足够多的空闲时间,可以作为业余车手参加耐力赛车比赛。
16. In 2010, the two men published “Rework,” a book denouncing workaholism, and they’re publishing another one, “The Calm Company,” next year. Mr. Hansson told me that they’ve grown dismayed “seeing people being asked to give up their vacations, their sleep, their youth, their family and their morals on the start-up altar.”
2010年,两人出版了一本谴责工作狂的书《重来》(Rework),明年他们还要出版一本《平静的公司》(The Calm Company)。汉森对我说,“看到人们在创业的祭坛上被要求放弃假期、睡眠、青春、家庭和伦理”,他们有一种触目惊心的感觉。
17. They run workshops and do a lot of public speaking. Their talks usually go over well — although in San Francisco they often hear “incredulous gasps,” Mr. Fried reported. Mr. Hansson added: “People tell us we’re not ambitious enough. We’re not trying to change the world. The perversion runs so deep.”
18. The chance to become the next 20-something tech celebrity billionaire has not lost its power. Every year thousands of fresh recruits flood into San Francisco, hoping to be baptized into the religion of the hustle. As bad as things have become today, there might be worse to come.

精 读 解 析
• workaholism /'wɜːkə,hɒlɪzəm/n. 醉心工作;迷恋工作
Workaholism may take its toll on a person's life, but it does have advantages.
• spring up 出现;萌芽;涌现
Investigations sprung up on three continents.
A delicate daffodil sprang up from the fissure.
• outgrind;outhustle;outwork
• pony up 付账;交出
She can at least tell us if it's worth ponying up for the clinic.
至少她可以告诉我们 要不要去诊所花钱。
• euphemism /'juːfəmɪz(ə)m/ n. 委婉语;委婉说法
Euphemism is a mode of expression that exists in all cultures.
• angel investor n. 天使投资者(用自己的资金投资一家初创公司的富人)
An elevator pitch is often used by an entrepreneur pitching an idea to a venture capitalist or angel investor to receive funding.
• acolyte /'ækəlaɪt/ n. 侍僧;助手(指教士的)
And so our most promising acolyte left us.
motivational speech励志演讲
• promo /'prəʊməʊ/ n. 商品推销;商品广告,广告片
Send them your promo link and invite them the join.
• promotional /prəˈməuʃənl/ adj. 促销的
promotional pricing推销订价
promotional activities/ events促销活动;行销活动;营销推广活动计划建议;推广活动
promotional allowance推广津贴;业务推广津贴
She was on a promotional tour for her books.
This is a research document, not promotional material.
这是研究文件 不是宣传材料。
promote vt. 提升, 提拔;筹划, 发起, 创立;推销;促进; 推动; 增进
promote cadre提干
promote cooperation促进合作
promote reform促进改革
promote regional cooperation促进地区间合作
promote sales促销;推销商品
promote the unification of china促进祖国的统一
promoted adj. 晋升的
promoter n. (房地产、证券和体育赛事的)承办人, 出资人, 赞助人
promotee n. 被提升者;获晋级者
promotion n. 提升,晋级;宣传;推销
to promote the resurgence and prosperity of China
She has recently been promoted to manager.
• catalog /'kætəlɔ:g/ n. 目录;登记v. 为…编目录;登记;按确定价格收入目录(等于catalogue)
This stamp catalog(ue)s at five dollars.
a catalog of all the books in the library
• visualize /ˈviʒuəlaiz/ vt. 在脑中使(某人或某物)形象化, 设想, 想像
Visual adj. 视觉的, 看得见的
He attempted to visualize his grandmother's uncle.
Visualizing is seeing something in your mind.
• start-up /'stɑ:tʌp/ n. 启动;初创企业adj. 起动阶段的;开始阶段的
start-up founder创业者
• rank-and-file n. 普通士兵,普通成员;工党的普通党员
rank-and-file worker 普通员工
But what of the rank and file of them? The planters would scratch a few acres and live in poverty.
• dystopian /dis'təupiən/ adj. 反面乌托邦的,反面假想国的n. 反面乌托邦的鼓吹者(或描写者)
反乌托邦是乌托邦(utopia)的反义语,希腊语字面意思是「不好的地方」(not-good place),它是一种不得人心、令人恐惧的假想社区或社会,是与理想社会相反的,一种极端恶劣的社会最终形态。
前缀dys- == 不良、恶、困难,类似用法还有:
dysfunction (医)机能失调,功能紊乱
dysphonia 发音困难
dyspepsia 消化不良
dyspathy 反感
dysgenesis 生殖力不良
dysopsy 弱视
He says dystopian stories are easier to write.
Dystopian means an imaginary society where people are unhappy and afraid.
• on strike 罢工,罢工中
All the workers are on strike.
• allure /ə'ljʊə/ v. 吸引;引诱,诱惑n. 诱惑力
allurement n. 诱惑;吸引;诱惑物;有诱惑力的事物
alluring adj. 诱惑的, 迷人的
The allure and charm of Paris captivate all who visit there.
The beautiful beaches of Hawaii allure many tourists from the mainland of the United States.
• stressed-out /'strestaut/ adj. 因心理紧张而被压垮的;不堪重负的;承受巨大压力的
I'm really happy right now, and I feel calm and not stressed out.
• gung-ho /'gʌŋ'həu/ adj. [美]同心协力的;雄心壮志的;强烈的;起劲的,热心的
gung-ho culture 拼命文化
But critics felt the sudden British embrace of China was too gung-ho.
• crusade /kruː'seɪd/ n. 改革运动;十字军东侵v. 加入十字军;从事改革运动
crusade against v. 讨伐
He crusaded against monopoly, aristocracy, slavery and more.
• excoriate /ɪk'skɔːrɪeɪt/ v. 擦伤,擦破(皮肤);剥(皮);严厉指责,痛斥
excoriation n. 严厉的责难,苛责,表皮脱落;抓痕
an editorial that excoriated the administration for its inaction.
His palms were excoriated by the hard labor of shoveling.
• brainwash /'breɪnwɒʃ/ v. <贬>对…进行洗脑,把某种思想强加于,通过宣传灌输说服n. 洗脑
To brainwash means to make someone accept new beliefs by using repeated pressure in a forceful or tricky way.
• burnout /'bɜːnaʊt/ n. 烧坏;燃料烧尽
Many students have burnout after taking exams.
• infinitesimal /ˌɪnfɪnɪ'tesɪm(ə)l/ adj. 极微小的adv. 无限小地
Prissy quickened her gait infinitesimally and Scarlett went back into the house.
If there is any salt in this soup, it must be infinitesimal. I can't taste it.
• whip into 把…搅成;把…激发成…
A sharp wind whipped the fallen snow up into the air and blew it into every hole and corner.
• single out 挑出;挑选
I was singled out as Shanghai Expo Miss Etiquette in 2010.
• snipe /snaɪp/ n. 狙击;香烟屁股;[鸟]鹬;被开玩笑的人物v. 狙击;伏击;抨击;猎鸟;诽谤
The state governor constantly sniped at the president.
A gunman sniped at them from the roof.
• get pared back to 缩减到…;被缩减到…
• incredulous /ɪn'kredjʊləs/ adj. 表示怀疑的, 不相信的;不可思议的
The student looked incredulous and angry.
She gave me an incredulous glance.
• perversion /pə'vɜːʃ(ə)n/ n. 颠倒;曲解;误用;堕落;反常
That it was black blasphemy and perversion.
An entire cottage industry has sprung up there, selling an internet-centric prosperity gospel that says that there is no higher calling than to start your own company, and that to succeed you must be willing to give up everything.
An entire cottage industry has sprung up there, // selling an internet-centric prosperity gospel // that says that there is no higher calling than to start your own company, // and that to succeed you must be willing to give up everything.
这个句子的主干是:An entire cottage industry has sprung up there。后面的selling部分,是一个动词的现在分词引起的伴随状语,说明中产业在做什么。在selling后面的这个部分,第一个that引导的是一个定语从句,修饰an internet-centric prosperity gospel,说明这个具体是什么,而后面的that there is no higher calling than to start your own company和 and that to succeed you must be willing to give up everything.是两个that引起的宾语从句,充当says的宾语,都是says的对象。
Gary Vaynerchuk, a.k.a. Gary Vee, an entrepreneur and angel investor who has 1.5 million Twitter followers and a string of best-selling books with titles like “Crush It! ,” tells his acolytes they should be working 18 hours a day.
Gary Vaynerchuk, // a.k.a. Gary Vee //, an entrepreneur and angel investor // who has 1.5 million Twitter followers and a string of best-selling books with titles like “Crush It! ,”// tells his acolytes they should be working 18 hours a day.
这个句子的主干是:Gary Vaynerchuk tells his acolytes they should be working 18 hours a day. 其中a.k.a. Gary Vee部分是一个插入语,补充说明Gary Vaynerchuk的信息,an entrepreneur and angel investor who has 1.5 million Twitter followers and a string of best-selling books with titles like “Crush It! ,”这部分也是一个插入语,说明Gary Vaynerchuk的职业相关信息,而这部分中嵌套了一个who引起的定语从句,也是对Gary Vaynerchuk的身份信息的补充说明。
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