'cry baby'不是'爱哭的宝宝', 究竟指哪一类人呢?
cry baby =爱哭的小孩?
cry baby字面意思指"哭泣的宝宝", 口语中常表示:
"玻璃心, 动不动就哭哭啼啼, 抱怨日常琐事的人"。
例 句:
1.) No one likes a cry baby.
2.) Don't be a cry baby. That tiny scratch can hardly hurt at all.
不要一碰就哭, 那么一点擦伤根本就不痛什么。
cry in one's beer=在啤酒里哭泣?
例 句:
1.) If I were you, I would never cry in my beer.
如果我是你, 我才不会在家自我怜悯。
2.) Come on, Joe! Instead of sitting around in a bar all day crying in your beer about not having any money, why not get off your bottom and go out looking for a job!
instead of 代替, 而不是, 与其
sit around 无所事事, 闲坐着
get off one's bottom 振作起来