用什么代替“对不起” What to Say to Little Kids Instead of "Say Sorry"
What to Say to Little Kids
Instead of "Say Sorry"
作者/Author - Michelle Woo
When touring different preschools for my daughter, I visited one where I got to observe the kids playing on the playground. While climbing the ladder on the slide, a little boy accidentally stepped on a little girl’s finger, and she started crying. What happened next left me astounded.
3岁的小男孩走到小女孩身边,看着她的眼睛问道:“你还好吗? 需要我给你拿一条湿毛巾吗?“
The boy, who was 3, went up to the girl, looked her in the eye and asked, “Are you okay? Can I get you a wet towel?”
She wiped her tears, shook her head no, and they both went back to playing.
“我们不会让孩子说'对不起'。”她解释道。 “如果没有采取行动帮助改善事情的状况,那么‘对不起’这个词并不具备任何意义。”
I looked at the preschool director, like, uh, what was that?
“We don’t make kids say ‘sorry,’” she explained. “The word doesn’t mean much without an action to help make things better.”
The exchange was such a departure from what I was used to seeing among parents, who tend to force apologies from their children for every accidental bump, whack, and knock-down of a just-built Lego masterpiece. Usually, they’ll give the kid a stern look, and ask, “Hey, what do you say?” Then, when the child mutters a robotic “sorry,” all is good! Manners! We’re teaching them!
但实际上这种方法可能毫无意义,Heather Shumaker曾在她的书中写道:对于培养有能力和有同情心的孩子来说,可以允许ta不进行分享或违反规则。Shumaker解释说,孩子们喜欢“对不起”这个词,因为这个词能让他们摆脱困境。“这有点像教育孩子成为肇事逃逸的司机,”她写道。 说“对不起”的问题在于,许多年幼的孩子 - 比如学龄前的孩子 - 尚未达到道德发展的阶段,所以一昧强调“对不起”只会让父母错过了教导孩子学会同情的关键机会。
But this approach might be mostly meaningless, writes Heather Shumaker in her bookIt’s OK Not to Share and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids. Children love the word “sorry,” Shumaker explains, as it magically lets them off the hook. “It’s a little like teaching kids to be hit-and-run drivers,” she writes. The problem with the “sorry” solution is that many young children—say, preschool age—haven’t reached a stage of moral development to actually feel sorry, so parents are missing a key opportunity to teach real empathy.
Shumaker writes:
Young kids sometimes fool us. They can mimic “Sorry” and even cry when another child cries, but most children are not capable of being sorry yet. Children differ—you may have an early bloomer—but most children simply lack the emotional and cognitive development to feel remorse. Remorse requires the ability to take another person’s perspective and fully understand cause and effect. These skills are still emerging in young children. Expecting young kids to say “Sorry” teaches them nothing more than a misguided lesson in sequence: kick, say “Sorry,” move on.
Instead, parents can help kids develop moral compassion by explaining that their actions have consequences, showing that they can do something to make things better and modeling ways to use the word “sorry” meaningfully.
For everyday accidents, Shumaker offers these steps:
Bring the Kids Together
Sometimes, when children believe they’re about to be in trouble, they run, Shumaker explains. If this happens, you can put an arm around the child, and say something like, “You need to come back here. Callie got hurt. Even if you didn’t mean to do it, she got hurt, and you need to come back.”
Tell the Child Who Caused the Accident
What Happened, And Be Specific
Even when what happened seems obvious,it needs to be pointed out to a young child. State the facts. “Your shopping cart ran over her toe.” “Your hand knocked the cup of water onto her painting.” “You were dancing and your arm whacked her face.”
Describe What You See
Examining the facts of the scene helps kids develop empathy. Emphasize the consequences of their actions for the other child (or adult), and be specific: “Look, he’s crying. There’s a scratch on his arm. It must hurt.”
Model Empathy for the Hurt Child
Ask the child: “Are you okay?”
Take Action
While little kids may not fully understand remorse, the book explains, they are good at taking action. They can run to grab a Band-Aid or an ice pack, or help clean up the mess they made. Help them take responsibility.
Make a Guarantee
Shumaker writes, “Reassurance that it won’t happen again means something. ‘Sorry’ does not.” To reestablish trust among the kids, she writes, have the child who caused the accident make a guarantee to the other child that she won’t do it again. You can ask, “Are you going to hit him again?” or have her say the words, “I won’t hit you again.”
Model Saying “Sorry” in Your Own Life
Eventually, we do want kids to say “sorry.” But instead of making them say “sorry,” Shumaker writes thatit’s more effective to model saying sorry when you as a parent screw up. Just make sure your own apologies are meaningful. That means acknowledging the consequences of your actions and taking steps to make things better. For example: “I’m sorry I forgot to bring your teddy bear to school day. You missed him during nap time. I’m writing it down on my list so I will remember next time.”
Soon, kids say “sorry” without prompting, and they’ll really mean it.