
网友投稿 2019-10-25 13:14

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Inventor Hadeel Ayoub blips a black glove on to her hand before beginning the familiar swish of sign language. She pushes a button on her wrist and a small speaker relays the message. This glove translates sign language into speech to help people who cannot speak.

海蒂 阿尤布(Hadeel Ayoub)发明了一个黑色手套,先戴在手上,再比划大家再熟悉不过的手语。只需按一下手腕上的按钮,一个小小的扬声器就会传递信息。这个手套可以将手语转化为语言,帮助无法说话的人。

Ayoub is the inventor of BrightSign. I am tired. My dream for BrightSign is to be the extension of the senses for the people who want that kind of technology, who want to voice their feelings and opinions without having to always look for someone to help them out, to give them the independence that they need and the control over their own communication. She estimates each pair of gloves will cost a few hundred dollars and exclaims how they work. So this is called the data glove which is wired with multiple sensors to track the hand movements And there are sensors that measure how much your fingers are flex and bends and there are sensors here that measure exactly where your hand is in 3d space. And that information is being transferred to a computer chip right here, and once I make a sign language, basically I pressed this button and it translates all of those movements into words that are spoken out through the speaker. There are also new devices to help the blind. The Ford Motor Company worked with an Italian startup to create a device that helps blind people feel the view outside a car window by turning light into vibrations that when combined with an audio description conveys a sense of the scenery passing by.


Last year Microsoft launched its free Seeing All app which turns a smartphone into a talking camera. Paul Bepey who is blind and lives alone uses the Seeing All to do things like finding food and drinks. You’ve got the empowerment and independence literally in your pocket on your smart device. Analysts say demand for technology that augments our ability to see and hear the world around us can only grow.


