
网友投稿 2018-07-01 10:48











listen to tapes

do lots of listening practice



talk with friends in English

practice reading aloud

make up conversations



read the textbook after the tape



translate the Chinese mindmap into English

write to penfriends in English











1. 审题、理清思路:考虑写什么(挑选关键词,搭建作文框架)。

2. 选择词语:根据话题和作文框架选用所需要的语料(词块和语块)。

3. 遣词造句:根据思维导图中的语料,用合适的句型写作。

4. 语篇定稿:根据思维导图修改润色作文——紧扣主题、表达准确,关联自然,语篇流畅。




参考词汇:英语演讲比赛 English Speech Contest


1. 词数:80~100个

2. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数

3. 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥

Last Tuesday Fangfang and Mingming entered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply.

Before the contest, Fangfang thought____________________________________________________________________ .






Last Tuesday Fangfang and Mingming entered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply.

Before the contest, Fangfang thought her English was the best. So she spent lots of time picking some beautiful clothes for herself instead of trying to work hard at English for the contest. As a result, she didn’t do well in the contest because she hadn’t got ready for the contest.

But Mingming was different from Fangfang. He worked hard at English and asked others for help. Especially, his leg was hurt two days before the contest, but he never gave up. In the end, he won the contest.

No doubt, from Mingming we should learn : No pains, No gains. From now on, I mush learn from Mingming.


Last Tuesday Fangfang and Mingming entered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply.

Before the contest, Fangfang thought she was good at English, and that she didn’t need to spend more time on the contest at all. She always considered picking some beautiful clothes for the contest. But Mingming was different. He worked hard at English and asked others for help. Though he had hurt his leg two days before the contest, he never gave up.

In the end, Fangfang didn’t get ready well enough. At the contest, she was so nervous that she she failed. But Mingming won because of his efforts.

In my opinion, we should learn from Mingming: Work hard and make progress every day.


Last Tuesday Fangfang and Mingming entered the English Speech Contest in our school. What they did make me think deeply.

Before the contest, Fangfang thought that she was good at English. So it was necessary to spend lots of time preparing for the contest. What she only thought was what clothes should wear, which make herself more beautiful at the contest. At last, she was too nervous to finish the contest because she didn’t get ready very well.

Instead, Mingming had been working at English and asking others for help. What’s more, he had hurt his leg two days before the contest. But he had never given up. As the result, he won the contest.

I think we should learn from Mingming: Work hard and never give up.


生活是丰富多彩的,没有爱好的人生是不完整的人生。亲爱的同学,在生活中,你有什么兴趣爱好吗?这个兴趣爱好是怎样培养起来的?它给你的生活增添了哪些色彩?请你以 “My Hobby”为题,结合自己的亲身经历写一篇短文。(词数80个左右)







Reading is my hobby. When I was seven years old, one day, I read a comic book about how a girl beat a wolf. I was moved deeply by the girl. From then on I became interested in reading books.

Reading can not only kill the time, but also, more importantly, help improve my skills. And books can teach me how to be a good person. Books can also solve many problems for me.

In a word, reading books can make my life colorful. I will read more good books to improve myself in the future.


My hobby is collecting stamps. On my seventh birthday, I got my first stamp album from my uncle. After that, I started collecting stamps. Now, I have collected hundreds of different stamp.

Usually, I take a map of the world. When I collect a stamp from a different country, I find the place on the map and put the stamp there. As the result, I can learn about the world as well as getting the joy.

In a word, collecting stamps ahs made me get much knowledge and enjoy a lot.


My favourite hobby is watching movies in the cinema. Three years ago, while I was watching the adventure 3D film Avatar in the cinema, I was attracted by the beautiful sights. It was so creative that it made me enjoy a lot. From then on, I became a movie fan.

Now, when I am tired, I go to the cinema. When I am happy, I go to the cinema, too. On the one hand, movies can make me relaxed. On the other hand, I can learn lots of knowledge from movies.


