乐高就得这么玩儿:LEGO EV3 Robot Workshop 2
"Hey~ Look, my LEGOs are moving now!"
And walk with you~
LEGO EV3 Robot Workshops
这学期图书馆开设的LEGO EV3 Robot Workshop将从入门到高阶完成新升级,分三堂Workshop帮助大家初识乐高、学习基础编程,最后开启高端操作~
The LEGO EV3 Robot Workshop offered by LRLR this semester consists of 3 workshops from entry-level to advanced. Participants can learn the basic knowledge of LEGO EV3 Robot, basic programming, and some high-end operations.
这是图书馆在上周六开设的LEGO EV3 Robot第一堂Workshop,同学们初识乐高就发挥想象力创造了造型各异的初代机器人们。
Above photos show results of participants' creation in the first Workshop of LEGO EV3 Robot last Saturday.
Young and elder kids were all enjoying it.
想报名参加LEGO EV3 Robot第二堂Workshop了?
Can't wait to register for the second workshop now?